School, for all of our pupils begins at 8.55am. At the end of the day, Infant children leave at 3.20pm and Junior children leave at 3.30pm. Pupils should not be on site, unaccompanied, no earlier than 8.45am as adult supervision cannot be guaranteed. For a more detailed break down of times please refer to the document below.

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Due to the number of pupils and proximity to Durham City, access to our school is very difficult and has, at times, proven dangerous for our pupils. Please read the attached letter from governors setting out some agreed rules to protect our pupils.

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Medical advice

Please notify school of any special medical problems which may affect your child whilst at school or on a visit.

Children who are unwell should not be sent to school, but if your doctor has advised that your child needs medication during school hours please complete an Administration of Prescribed Medicine form on Weduc. For non-prescribed items such as paracetamol tablets, cough medicines etc. please complete an Administration of over the counter medicine form on Weduc.

Please see the link below for guidance: